#8 The Boy In Striped Pajamas
The movie at the number 8 spot on my top ten favorite movie list is The Boy In Striped Pajamas. This movie is at the number 8 spot on my list because this is the only movie that will get my eyes watering every time I watch it. The movie is also one of my favorites historically based movies I’ve watched, which makes the movie scenes even more emotionally sound. Another reason I like the movie is because it’s an adventurous movie and this adds more suspense to the scenes as well as it keeps us guessing what’s next.
The Boy In Striped Pajamas is about a boy, who is the son of a Nazi Germany general. The boy and his family lived in a city for most of his childhood until his father got a new job on a concentration camp, causing the family to have to move. The boy had no idea that where he was, was a concentration camp, so he was very curious of the area and decided to adventure out. He ventured far out and came to a large fence where he would meet a new friend. He met a boy who was in a concentration camp and became buddies with him, he would go back and visit him to play games and smuggle food. One day the boy decided to go inside of the gates to the camp, he even put on the uniform the prisoners wear.
My favorite part of The Boy in Striped Pajamas is the scene where the boy named Bruno sees the other boy, that’s a Jew, named Shmuel. Shmuel is in the kitchen or dining room cleaning the glasses that are placed out on the table. Bruno asks him what he’s doing there and later asks him does he know they’re not supposed to be friends, but they’re supposed to be enemies. Shmuel is at the table with the dishes and food, Bruno sees him looking at the food and asks if he wants some. He says yes and Bruno gives him one of the pastries. Shmuel devours the food lime he hasn’t ate in a long time, and the continue to have a conversation. While they’re having this conversation, a guard comes in and asks Shmuel why he is talking to Bruno. He then sees the food on his face and hand. He asks who he got it from, and he responded with Bruno, the guard asks Bruno is this was true. Bruno said that he didn’t know Shmuel and that he just saw him helping himself, because he feared what would happen if he was seen being friends with a Jew. This is my favorite scene because we get to see how the interactions were with the Germans and Jews.
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