#1 Avatar

    The movie at the number one spot on my top ten favorite movies list is Avatar. Avatar is at my number one spot because it is my favorite movie of ALL TIME. The movie is the highest grossing movie of all time, rightfully so. The movie is so great because of its amazing special effects, good story, the conflict, and the great actors as well as writers. I think the movie was ahead of its time. The graphics, effects, and visuals were advanced for the late 2000s. The only movie I can think of that is remotely close to the graphics and all of Avatar is Transformers.


    When his brother is killed in a robbery, paraplegic Marine Jake Sully decides to take his place in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. There he learns of greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge's intentions of driving off the native humanoid "Na'vi" to mine for the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. In exchange for the spinal surgery that will fix his legs, Jake gathers knowledge, of the Indigenous Race and their Culture, for the cooperating military unit spearheaded by gung-ho Colonel Quaritch, while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate the Na'vi people with the use of an "avatar" identity. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe and quickly falls in love with the beautiful alien Neytiri, the restless Colonel moves forward with his ruthless extermination tactics, forcing the soldier to take a stand - and fight back in an epic battle for the fate of Pandora.


    My favorite scene from the movie is towards the end when all of the different animals on Pandora join together to help defend their homeland. The animals came to the aid of many avatars when they were being pushed back by the military and their heavy artillery. It’s amazing how the animals recognized that them and their land was in danger, so they put aside their beef with the Na’vi and helped them defend their land. The animals were usually very aggressive to them and to see the Na’vi ride some of the animals and fight side by side with them was amazing. The biggest and baddest banshee called the great leonopteryx joined the rest of the banshees in the air. The leonopteryx would terrorize the smaller banshees and to see it be tamed and help defend its air was a beautiful thing to see. 


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